Total Fitness Blog

We provide relevant articles and videos related to military fitness, mental health, spiritual issues, family life, finances, and leadership topics.

Faith Can Be a Game Changer to Unit Combat Readiness
I was forced to acknowledge the reality that I might take a bullet or some other weapon of death for my country and be shipped back home in a casket with a flag draped over it to be put six feet under... As a kid contemplating military service, I had never really resolved three fundamental questions that I struggled with a lot:1) “Is it ok for me to kill another human in war?” 2) Where do I go when I die? 3) Is there a God, and if I can know Him, what does He want me to do with my life?
The Battle for Hearts and Minds of Service Members in The Big Easy
In 2018, in a unit I was with, we would see two back to back suicides in the late summer/early fall of 2018 just 45 days apart in the largest section of our unit (about 80 Marines) to include a Chief Warrant Officer. He had shot himself and his teenage daughter came home to find blood everywhere. To this day, nobody is quite sure what happened. Another married Corporal in his section who seemed like he was getting help for some of his issues also committed suicide not long after.